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Stefania Musco

Musco S, Del Popolo G, Lamartina M, Herms A, Renard J, Manassero A, Chartier-Kastler E, Castro-Diaz D, Soligo M.
[published online ahead of print, 2020 Jul 17]. Neurourol Urodyn. 2020;10.1002/nau.24460. doi:10.1002/nau.24460

On behalf of the Italian Urodynamic Society (SIUD) and the International continence Society (ICS)


The need to postpone all elective medical activities (consultations and elective surgery) has emerged due to the experiences of some Italian regions during the current coronavirus disease‐2019 (COVID‐19) pandemic. In fact, these activities may expose not only patients but also health workers to an increased risk of infection. Even though all screening measures are applied, as well as adherence to individual behavioral principles, the risk of contracting an infection by coming to the Hospital remains high.All emergency procedures including unpostponable oncological treatments were excluded from these limitations, leaving some health care professionals feeling that the particularities of certain disorders and the potential harmful implications of putting them in “standby” had not been fully addressed, which is justified by the unexpected severity of this sanitary crisis.1‐3Indeed, these unprecedented times have put enormous pressure on both our professional and personal lives. With this in mind, we must look after patients with COVID‐19 while continuing to provide ongoing care for our existing patients. From our point of view the correct way to manage this situation would be to advocate for a change in perspective, adopting an asymmetrical approach: focusing on our patients’ special needs, but never neglecting the major community interest.